
The best medium to feed your social networks from blogger

The idea is simple. You post new article on your blogger, the medium automatically post the notification on your social networks' timelines to attract traffic to your blogger. Which medium are the best for this purpose? Let us look at one by one.

First, let us remember the posts feed RSS from blogger is http://surfonblogger.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss and the comments feed RSS URL is http://surfonblogger.blogspot.com/feeds/comments/default?alt=rss. You will need to change to your blog name.


We will analyze three most popular media here, twitterfeed.com, dlvr.it and hootsuite.com. It is clearly the best option for Twitter is twitterfeed.com. dlvr.it does change some links if your post contains two links and one of them is of Youtube's or image's link. However, recently twitterfeed.com does not post if the link URLs are the same, the case where comments feed is. The solution? Use dlvr.it for blogger comments feed. While Twitterfeed has much fast frequency to update your feed, sometime you still need to use dlvr.it, simply because Twitterfeed has some design flaw.


Unlike Twitter, Facebook can show image and video on the post. dlvr.it does it best to extract the image and video links and directly post them. So, generally, the best medium for Facebook is dlvr.it. However, if the feed does not come from your bloggers, but from their party, while dlvr.it extract the image or video link, it would erase the rest links. In this case, the best option is using Twitter's built-in function to post to Facebook from Twitter's timeline.

Google Plus

Currently, the only free service to post to G+ is Hootsuite. So, if you want to use free service, this is the only option. Hootsuite's free plan only allows 2 feeds. That is why you should not use it for Twitter and Facebook. Actually, you can set your blogger directly post to G+, but it excludes the comments and those posted through email. Hootsuite's free plan is still the only option.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/04/2014

    Actually, detect an image from dlvr.it to facebook can be done by either party: http://support.dlvr.it/hc/en-us/articles/200401854-How-do-I-control-which-image-photo-is-posted-to-Facebook-

