
How to Place Blogger Header Image Align Right Side?

1. Go to Dashboard > Layout.

2. Edit Header (Flagged by your blogger's title followed by word (Header)) and upload your image, make sure the Placement is "Behind title and descript", which indeed is the default.

3. Go to Dashboard > Template > Edit HTML.

4. Move mouse to HTML code and click anywhere, then press Ctrl and F in your keyboard to search.

5. Copy "]]></b:skin>" (only contents in quote signs) to Search box, press Enter.

6. Just before line of "]]></b:skin>", place following words: "#header-inner {background-position: right !important; width: 100% !important;}" (only contents in quote signs).

7. Save template and Back.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/05/2014

    This is very useful. Thanks a lot.

